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제목 International College - Commencement Ceremony 2022
글쓴이 국제대학교학과
등록일 2022-03-14
조회수 92


The International College of The University of Suwon held its third Commencement Ceremony on February 16, 2022 to congratulate the 13 international students who have come a long way to successfully earn their bachelor degrees. We hope their valuable experience of studying at The University of Suwon in Korea will help their individual success:


-Nguyen Thi Bac (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Economics & Finance)

-Dong Minda (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Hotel Management)

-Tominaga Mayu (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Media Communication)

-Wang Jiahui (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Economics & Finance)

-Nguyen Minh Doan (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Economics & Finance)

-Nguyen Thi Thu Ha (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Economics & Finance)

-Yang Fengna (Bachelor of International Studies Major in)

-Matsumoto Mizuka (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Hotel Management)

-Buithihangmy (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Hotel Management)

-Pham Thi Thanh Ha (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Hotel Management)

-Pham Ham Thi An (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Tourism Management)

-Nguyen Thi Hang (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Child & Family Welfare)

-Lyu Junjie (Bachelor of International Studies Major in Food & Nutrition)


"I've found that this journey has been incredibly freeing. Because no matter what happened, I had the piece of mind knowing that all of the chatter, the name-calling, the doubting...all of it was just noise. It did not define me, it didn't change who I was, and most importantly, it couldn't hold me back." - Michelle Obama at Tuskegee University, 2015



20222월 국제대 제3회 졸업생들이 수원대학교에서의 학업을 마치고 졸업했습니다. 원티박, 동민달, 토미나가 마유, 왕자휘, 웬밍투안, 웬티투하, 양봉나, 마츠모토 미즈카, 뷰티항미, 팜티탄하, 팜티안, 응엔티항, 여준걸의 졸업과 자랑스러운 학위취득을 진심으로 축하드립니다. 한국에서 유학 생활을 시작하고, 수원대학교에서 지식을 연마한 여러분의 경험이 소중한 밑거름이 되어 건설적인 미래를 설계할 수 있으리라 확신합니다.


-원티박(국제학사 경영전공)

-동민달(국제학사 호텔경영전공)

-토미나가 마유(국제학사 미디어커뮤니케이션학 전공)

-왕자휘(국제학사 경영전공)

-웬밍투안(국제학사 경영전공)

-웬티투하(국제학사 경영전공)

-양봉나(국제학사 글로벌비즈니스전공)

-마츠모토 미즈카(국제학사 호텔경영전공)

-뷰티항미(국제학사 호텔경영전공)

-팜티탄하(국제학사 호텔경영전공)

-팜티안(국제학사 관광영영전공)

-응엔티항(국제학사 아동가족복지학 전공)

-여준걸(국제학사 식품영양학 전공)


사랑하는 졸업생 여러분의 미래를 진심으로 응원합니다.